Villach is the second largest city in Carinthia and is located on the Drava River, along whose banks you can take beautiful summer walks. In the evening, numerous cafés and restaurants invite you to linger on Villach’s main square. Villach is a place to unwind, but also a place to experience many things. In August, Austria’s largest traditional festival, the Villacher Kirchtag, is organised here. Then the city centre is transformed into one big festival area. The European Bike Weeks are the highlight of the year for motorcyclists The most extraordinary and iconic motorbike meeting in the world will take place around Lake Faak from 3 to 8 September 2024. In the region around Villach, with the idyllic lakes Faaker See and Ossiacher See in the border triangle of Italy, Slovenia and Austria, it’s not just biking enthusiasts who get their money’s worth. There are also numerous opportunities for mountain bike fans to explore the breathtaking landscape here. The adventure hiking trails, which are specially designed for the little ones, are particularly suitable for families. For sporty guests there are numerous possibilities, from summit tours to long-distance hikes. For sporty guests there are numerous possibilities, from summit tours to long-distance hikes.The region is the ideal destination for a day trip or a longer stay. Discover the beauty of the three-country region and let yourself be inspired by the fascination of hiking and mountain biking!

Our insider tip

The Garnitzenklamm gorge is a natural experience in Carinthia’s Gailtal valley. Not far from Hermagor, near Möderndorf, the Garnitzenbach stream has carved a 4.5-kilometre-long gorge into the rock of the Carnic Alps over the course of history, creating a breathtaking natural jewel. Thundering waterfalls, steep rock faces, emerald green bays, colourful rock and cliff formations, spectacular climbing structures as well as rare, protected plants and whirlpool pots formed over millions of years make the gorge one of the most beautiful in the Alps.

Photos: Adobe Stock/Martin Dworschak